3 Things About 3 Things Presentation
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FAN Network:

Thank you for enduring “the juggler” on October 13 (I promise I can juggle) – hopefully the talk wasn’t too painful and perhaps you learned something that could help you grow your business. As promised, below are links to downloadable files from the presentation that you can use in your own online marketing.


Twisted Puppy Personas

Presentation Deck

Yes, there actually is a deck – I was speaking rather extemporaneously, but it comes from a formal presentation.

Persona Template

Do this! It works, and it can be fun.

Customer Journey Template

Do this too! Think about how your customers find and interact with you. If you reduce friction, you’ll sell more.

Objectives & Key Results

We didn’t quite get to this, but here’s our way of tracking results. We set goals, collect data and make adjustments.

Octagon of BOOM

Twisted Puppy’s free online marketing course. It’s one 10-minute read per day for a week. It’s a framework we use for every client to make sure we’re consistently delivering results.


Again, thanks for listening. Please feel free to ask questions. And always be marketing, and always track what you’re doing!



We also online marketing tips once a month with our community (here’s a snippet). It’s a quick read with only distilled, practical ideas. If you want to subscribe…

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