Great Example of Email Marketing

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We wouldn’t say we’re the easiest audience – and today, iStockPhoto cleared the bar of showing great email marketing techniques.

As examples of the barriers:

  • We don’t use iStockPhoto often
  • When they’ve emailed in the past, it was a discount offer
  • We’re busy

So today, the headline on the email read:

A good read for good business

Hmmm. What could that mean? Immediate intrique.

So it gets an open…

Text continues with:

Small Business Solutions

They sent this to us – it’s probably a segmented list…

Then the headline. I think they learned headline-writing from the experts at Psychotactics

Feel the power of visual content

Short note offering some free, useful content ensues:

No one wants to blow an entire budget on marketing, especially when it comes to your business. Since a little expert advice never hurt anyone, we’re sharing some insight on how to empower your web presence with visual content. iStockphoto GM Rebecca Rockafellar has written a poignant article: “5 easy tips for maintaining a great website.” The title says it all, so dive in and get ready to absorb and inspire your business.

And finally, the Call to Action (CTA):

Read Article

CLICK! Well done, iStockphoto.

See the email for yourself – would you click?